Do yall see a pattern here? I think it is called "not gettin outta the house enough. I need to get out more so Brandi my daughter took me to the mall . She loves a place called Charming Charlies. OMG me too. If I'd have had unlimited money pretty near all the shelves would have had a missing piece or two. I'm gonna try to post some pictures . I'll TRY but so far it has never happened. So here goes.
This ia Molly , Franks little shadow. .The thinks she is a Great Dane and hasn't figured out yet that she is just a little fat squirt . hehehe But I gotta give her credit . She did run 2 Great Danes out of out field last week .
I qurantee if they would have turned around , she would have peed all the way back to the barn and the safety of Frank. Well gotta go for now. TTYL. Hugs